
All injective network users could interact with INJRC-20 protocol via sending a transfer operartion with base64 encoded operations in "memo" field


  • Create injrc-20 with the deploy function

  • Mint an amount of injrc-20's with the mint function

  • Transfer an amount of injrc-20's with the transfer function

injrc-20 balance state can be found by aggregating all of these function's activity together.


  • The first deployment of a ticker is the only one that has claim to the ticker. Tickers are not case sensitive (INJS = injs).

  • If two events occur in the same block, prioritization is assigned via order they were confirmed in the block. (first to last).

  • The mint function and the second step of the transfer function are the only events that cause changes in balances.

  • The first mint to exceed the maximum supply will receive the fraction that is valid. (ex. 21,000,000 maximum supply, 20,999,242 circulating supply, and 1000 mint inscription = 758 balance state applied)

  • Standard limited to uint128

  • Maximum supply cannot exceed uint64_max